Open Your Eyes (Week 5 Day 1)

Jesus tells us that if we will seek him with all our hearts, we will find him. As a Christ follower, I’ve learned that I tend to seek him at different levels and in different ways. At times “seeking” comes more naturally, like in times of crisis or need. At other times it requires much more intentionality.

I can see my own need. Well, some of it. Honestly, there is probably a lot of spiritual need that I tend to ignore. Too often it’s a conscious decision. And I probably do it subconsciously as well.

We tend to miss (or ignore) need around us as well. It’s as if our eyes are trained to ignore it. Even obvious need. Glaring. Yet we miss it.

I don’t know why this is. Maybe we’d rather just assume people are doing better than they are. Maybe we intentionally or unintentionally remain ignorant because, well…. Ignorance is bliss. Maybe we ignore it because once we acknowledge it’s existence, we have to do something, or we become negligent. Maybe it’s fear, quite possibly selfishness, or simply we just don’t know what to do.

This week in the Barefoot Church Primer we’ll learn to open our eyes to need. In doing so, we’ll be confronted both with issues around us and issues within us. Don’t take this week lightly, learning to see the need might possibly be the greatest need itself.

About Brandon Hatmaker

Church Planter, Missional Strategist, Non-Profit Collaborator, and Author of "Barefoot Church: Serving the Least in a Consumer Culture".
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